PH Cycle for Strength and to get ready for Competition in November


I would like to start a prohormone/stack. I have used The One by Applied Nutrition and I had really good results. It came with a post cycle but after it was gone it left me completely wiped out. I didn’t feel like getting off the couch! I am about to start a training cycle for a meet in November. What would you recommend for strength gains? Also what do you recommend for the post cycle?
Thanks Cody


Hey Cody,

The One was a pretty strong prohormone and as you found out the PCT was not enough. You can do a couple of things here. Run a prohormone like a DMZ or Superdrol by itself and get some good results or you can stack it with Fina 1 Andro for a better strength gain stack.

I would recommend running the A-HD by bpi throughout the whole cycle and take either the A-HD and Diesel Test DTP or Metabotest and Diesel Test DTP for your PCT.

Additionally, during the final week of your PCT I would add some re-sensitizing supplements like Creatine, Beta Alanine, BCAA’s, and Vitamin d3. Also if you have the budget, run the X-Factor by Molecular Nutrition.

Each of these has it part in maintaining gains and limiting the lethargic time after you finish the ph. The minimum should be the pct run but the off cycle run of basic supplements will make a big difference in recovery and preparing for your next run.


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